Blog Archive
What makes Elizabeth Wood, DNP, a great choice for Women's Health? Her compassionate, thoughtful, and thorough approach makes her a great fit for women of all ages and backgrounds looking to be heard and validated when it comes to their unique health goals. Her extensive education and broad training gives...
March 19th, 2020 Coronavirus Update At Arizona Women’s Care our top priority is the health and safety of our patients, employees and visitors. We are requesting that only patients come to their appointments and family/friends remain at home. If you are sick, have a fever, shortness of breath, cough, runny...
CORONAVIRUS PRECAUTIONS to protect our immunocompromised pregnant patients and doctors who need to care for them: 1. Use your patient portal or call if you are concerned that you are sick BEFORE YOU COME TO THE OFFICE. 2. If you need testing for coronavirus do NOT come to the office, there...
American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology has the following statement on COVID-19 for our community. Practice Advisory: Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) is closely monitoring the outbreak of a respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus (COVID-19) that was first detected in Wuhan...
On October 17th and November 21st Arizona Women’s Care is offering a Mona Lisa Touch Open House Event! We are so happy to offer this amazing procedure to the women of the Valley for the last 4 years. Mona Lisa Touch is the revolutionary treatment for vaginal dryness, painful intercourse,...
SculpSure is Here! You can now redefine your shape. Arizona Women’s Care is so happy to bring an amazing new NON INVASIVE fat lysis laser treatment to the women (and men) of Arizona called SculpSure! Sculpsure is ideal for people with stubborn areas of fat, particularly those that seem...
A message from Dr. Castilla: Effective March 1, 2017, Dr. Julie Anne Castilla will no longer be accepting new obstetric patients. Dr. Castilla’s obstetrics practice, which began in June 1997, will officially come to an end as she shifts her focus exclusively to gynecology. Dr. Castilla is ever grateful for...
Arizona Women’s Care Celebrates 1 year with MonaLisa Touch! One year ago today, June 1st, 2015, Arizona Women’s Care became the first all-female board-certified OB/GYN practice in the state of Arizona to offer the revolutionary MonaLisa Touch laser procedure. As women caring for women, the five physicians of Arizona...
MonaLisa Touch Patient Testimonial: The physicians of Arizona Women’s Care in Scottsdale knew that acquiring the MonaLisa Touch laser procedure for their OB/GYN practice would have a positive clinical impact on the health of their menopausal patients suffering with vaginal dryness, itching and painful intercourse. They also knew this breakthrough...
MonaLisa Touch at Arizona Women’s Care Patient Spotlight on Success: Rhonda, a long time patient of Arizona Women’s Care didn’t think vaginal atrophy would ever be a problem for her. She wasn’t even familiar with the term “vaginal atrophy” until she was diagnosed with it one year after her last...
Changing Women’s Lives One MonaLisa Touch™ Procedure at a Time! After only 6 months the MonaLisa Touch is changing the lives of countless patients at Arizona Women’s Care. Sex doesn’t have to be painful in menopause and the doctors of Arizona Women’s Care have a safe, and effective, hormone-free solution...
Health Net Insurance released plans for 2016 today. We are pleased to announce that we accept Healthnet PPO BRONZE available as an individual insurance policy for 2016. This plan is NOT considered through the marketplace, just as an Individual option. This is the ONLY PPO plan option that our practice...
Many of our patients are receiving information regarding major insurance changes happening in Arizona. Effective January 1, 2016 there are many changes being made to the marketplace plans that will affect our office. Blue Cross Blue/Shield and Health Net are taking away all Marketplace PPO plans and these will NOT be an...
Our MonaLisa Touch Open House Seminars are bringing women together from all over the valley to learn about how this incredible procedure could change their lives. Due to the great success of our patients and the pleasure of providing this valuable forum to the women in our community we are...
MonaLisa Touch and Arizona Women’s Care have another invitation for you. Thank you to all of those that came to the 1st official Open House for the MonaLisa Touch in June. We truly enjoyed spending time talking with you and understanding all of your concerns in such a comfortable and...
MonaLisa Touch: The new laser technology known as the MonaLisa Touch is CHANGING the lives of women all over the world and it has now arrived in Scottsdale! The revolutionary new laser technology known as MonaLisa Touch is now being offered at Arizona Women’s Care! We are proud to announce...
We are so sad to say goodbye but so happy for our wonderful Nurse Practitioner Pat Sadler that she is able to enjoy the beautiful retirement years. Pat has worked with Dr. Castilla for 17 years and been a part of the Arizona Women’s Care family for 12 years. As...
The doctors at Arizona Women’s Care are very excited to welcome a new partner to the practice, Dr. Kelly Helms, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. Dr. Helms will be starting this coming August 4, 2014! Born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska, Dr. Helms has slowly migrated south after completing her undergraduate education in...
Ob Gyn Specialists now have a new website! After a little sweat and tears the new interactive Arizona Women’s Care site is up and running! We are happy to be Scottsdale’s Ob Gyn specialists. We care for our patients and want to help educate them through the latest social media....
Performing Single Site Hysterectomy in Arizona da Vinci® Minimally Invasive Surgery! This is a new technique that only the most advanced of women’s care doctors offer. Using robotic-assisted techniques, the surgeon can perform procedures on a patient with smaller incisions than even some laparoscopic surgery. This state of the art...