Open House for the MonaLisa Touch

MonaLisa Touch and Arizona Women’s Care have another invitation for you.
Thank you to all of those that came to the 1st official Open House for the MonaLisa Touch in June. We truly enjoyed spending time talking with you and understanding all of your concerns in such a comfortable and casual setting.
Since the 1st was such a huge success we are having another Open House & seminar in August!
We are inviting all women who are experiencing vaginal dryness, vaginal irritation and/or painful intercourse to come to our free Open House and seminar to understand what the MonaLisa can do for you and your health concerns. You do not have to be a patient in our practice to gleam this information or even sign up for the procedure. We want all women to know about this NEW technology that is helping cure vaginal dryness and changing lives across the world.
The MonaLisa Touch is a laser treatment used to reverse the effects of vaginal atrophy caused by the lack of estrogen during the peri-menopausal time period in a woman’s life. As hormones are depleted the vaginal walls atrophy, losing collagen due to the decrease of vascular activity. As a result, many women experience vaginal dryness, irritation, and burning as well as experience painful intercourse, all of which negatively alter a woman’s quality of life. MonaLisa Touch is the non-hormonal treatment answer to all of these complications with menopause! No more messy creams or daily prescriptions; the MonaLisa Touch laser restores collagen to the vaginal walls therefore restoring moisture and elasticity and creating a more positive and enjoyable intimate experience. For breast cancer survivors or women who are simply unable to take estrogen or women who just want more out of life, this treatment is for you. At our seminar we will show you the studies, explain the data, answer your questions and you can hear 1st hand our patient testimonials.
The doctors at Arizona Women’s Care are the 1st Board Certified Gynecologist to perform the MonaLisa Touch in the state of Arizona!
Please join us at our office for our 2nd official Open House and Seminar
August 20, 2015 from 5 – 8 pm
RSVP to Julie 480-455-0016
Patients, non patients, friends and family ALL WELCOME!
We are honored to be your specialist in MonaLisa Touch laser therapy.
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