What makes Elizabeth Wood, DNP the perfect choice in Women's Health?
We are so thrilled to have such a fantastic choice in Women's Health for care in between visits with your Physician, or to see exclusively for your women's wellness!
Effective March 1, 2017, Dr. Julie Anne Castilla will no longer be accepting new obstetric patients. Dr. Castilla’s obstetrics practice, which began in June 1997, will officially come to an end as she shifts her focus exclusively to gynecology. Dr. Castilla is ever grateful for the privilege her obstetrics practice has afforded her in being a witness to the growth of so many beautiful families whose courage and strength in childbearing has been a genuine inspiration over the past two decades. Dr. Castilla looks forward to staying in-touch with each and every one of her patients as she continues to provide gynecological care at Arizona Women’s Care that addresses all areas of women’s health and wellness.