Coronavirus Precautions

CORONAVIRUS PRECAUTIONS to protect our immunocompromised pregnant patients and doctors who need to care for them:
1. Use your patient portal or call if you are concerned that you are sick BEFORE YOU COME TO THE OFFICE.
2. If you need testing for coronavirus do NOT come to the office, there will be community testing centers set up soon, in addition to the ER, and we will advise you where to go.
3. LIMIT VISITORS coming with you to your visit, only bring someone if it is absolutely necessary that they come with you. Please leave children at home if possible.
4. We are keeping parmaceutical representatives and non-medical individuals away as well.
5. We are bleaching down the patient’s rooms in-between each patient, hand sanitizing constantly and are not allowing any employee with any symptoms into the office.
6. We are social distancing and wearing masks as needed to decrease our risk to you.
7. Social distance yourselves and your family, wash your hands and know the symptoms to look for (which can be found here: https://www.who.int/health-topics/coronaviru )
8. If you are over 60 and only coming for a routine visit, we recommend rescheduling in 2-3 months. If you need prescription refills to cover you until you have your appointment, we will call them in.
9. This is serious, please take it seriously. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html
10. It is our commitment at Arizona Women’s Care to offer you superlative care and treatment. We are here for you during this difficult time.
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